About Kazakhmys
Kazakhmys is the biggest copper producer in Kazakhstan, leading international company in sphere of mining and development of natural recourses. Copper operations are fully integrated from mining ore through to the production of finished copper cathode and rod.
Core Activity.
Kazakhmys leads prospecting, exploration, mining, concentrating, processing and export of copper and other minerals. Except of copper production, the company produces cathode copper, sulfuric acid, calcium sulphate, copper telluride and lead dust.
Information concerning the enterprise.
Kazakhmys Corporation LLC has high productive and scientific -technical capabilities, necessary energetic and fuel resources, modern technological and telecommunication networks, qualified and skilled personnel- all necessities for further development and increasing of production volumes.
Kazakhmys Corporation LLC includes the following enterprises:
- PA Zhezkazgantsvetmet, developing Zhezkazgan Deposit and Zhilandy Group of Deposits;
- PA Balkhashtsvetment, developing Shatyrkolskoye, Kounradskoye, Sayakskoye Deposits and Tastau;
- PA Karagandatsvetmet and Borly Coal Department, developing Coal Mine of Molodyozhny and Kuu- Chekinsky; as well as gold- copper deposits of Abyz, Nurkazgan, Akbastau and Kosmurun.
- Concentrators: Satpayevskaya, Zhezkazganskaya #1,2; Balkhashskaya, Nurkazganskaya, Karagaylinskaya.
Kazakhmys has vast experience in sphere of development of minerals and in sphere of operation of water intakes on deposits of Borly, Verkhny Byef and Eskula underground waters.
Kazakhmys Corporation is a legal entity and carries out its activity on territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Company has stable financial state. Kazakhmys Corporation LLC enters into the Kazakhmys Group, which also includes Kazakhmys Exploration LLC, majoring on conducting of geological survey works and experienced in sphere of minerals exploring. Currently, Kazakhmys Corporation LLC conducts exploration and mining of minerals basing more than 30 concluded Contracts on subsoil use.