Kazakhmys the largest copper producer in Kazakhstan

You are greeted by Kazakhmys Corporation site. Kazakhmys is a leading international company in the field of natural resources extraction and processing. Kazakhmys is focused on prospecting, survey, extraction, concentration, processing and exporting of copper and other commercial minerals. Our work is a contribution of dozen thousands of people. Kazakhmys facilities are located at three industrial sites in Kazakhstan – Balkhash, Zhezkazgan and Karaganda. They include plants, factories and mines.


 Annually Kazakhmys implements numerous projects and programs aimed at the production upgrade and development of employees` potential and competence. We work with companies worldwide and are always ready for cooperation. You can find necessary information about the Company and its operations on our site. 


Get acquainted with the new Kazakhmys projects and read our news. Our site is updated on a regular basis and offers wealth of information and contacts of the Corporations` leading services. 

Zhezkazgan site
has 10 major industrial objects and a number of auxiliary shops and enterprises. Among the first there are 4 mines, 3 concentrating plants, 2 plants and 1 thermal power plant. More than 24 thousand people are employed on enterprises of Kazakhmys Group, Zh
Zhezkazgan site
has 10 major industrial objects and a number of auxiliary shops and enterprises. Among the first there are 4 mines, 3 concentrating plants, 2 plants and 1 thermal power plant. More than 24 thousand people are employed on enterprises of Kazakhmys Group, Zh
Павлодарская площадка
Насчитывает два крупных промышленных объекта. Один из них – Экибастузская ГРЭС-1, 50% которой принадлежат Группе Казахмыс. Второй – строящийся рудник открытого типа Бозшаколь, крупнейший горнорудный проект на постсоветском пространстве как по масштабам, так и по объему добычи.
Karaganda site
currently contains 11 industrial facilities. Among them are 4 mines, 2 concentrators, 2 coal mines, 2 factories and 1 hydroelectric station. About 12 000 people are employed at Kazakhmys Group enterprises, Karaganda region.
Balkhash site
currently contains 6 major industrial facilities and a number of auxiliary shops and enterprises. Among the first there are 3 mines, 1 concentrator, 1 smelter and 1 Heat and Power Station. Almost 10 thousand employees are working at the enterprises of Ka
Восточная площадка
Насчитывает 9 основных промышленных объектов и ряд вспомогательных цехов и предприятий. В числе первых - 5 рудников, 4 обогатительные фабрики.Здесь на предприятиях Группы Казахмыс работает порядка 7 тысяч человек.