
Kazakhmys the largest copper producer in Kazakhstan

According to the results of work for the first half of 2021, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP fulfilled the production plan for ore extraction by 102.3 %. In total, 14 million 673 thousand tons of ore were extracted, which is higher than the fact of production in the first half of 2020. (14 million 412 thousand tons).

The average copper content in the extracted ore at the end of the half-year was 0.96%, with a plan of 0.90%.

In just six months, Kazakhmys processing plants processed 15.5 million tons of ore.


For the first half of 2021, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP produced:

- copper cathode-121,636 thousand tons, exceeding the planned indicators by 580 tons;

- gold in bars 2,966 kg, for the same period last year 2,634 kg, an increase of 362 kg (+13.73%);

- silver in ingots and granules 143,861 kg, for the same period last year - 131,910 kg, an increase of 11,952 kg (+9.06%);                                                                                                                   


In the second half of 2021, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP plans to produce 123.8 thousand tons of copper in cathode equivalent.


The strategic plan of the corporation provides for a systematic increase in the volume of ore production to 35 million tons, - said Andrey Gaidin, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP. - This will happen due to the introduction of new deposits and the modernization of existing mines, as well as the maximum load of existing factories and the construction of new enterprises. For example, new processing plants will appear in the Zhezkazgan and Balkhash regions. The Nurkazgan processing plant will be modernized in the Karaganda region.

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Zhezkazgan site
has 10 major industrial objects and a number of auxiliary shops and enterprises. Among the first there are 4 mines, 3 concentrating plants, 2 plants and 1 thermal power plant. More than 24 thousand people are employed on enterprises of Kazakhmys Group, Zh
Zhezkazgan site
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Karaganda site
currently contains 11 industrial facilities. Among them are 4 mines, 2 concentrators, 2 coal mines, 2 factories and 1 hydroelectric station. About 12 000 people are employed at Kazakhmys Group enterprises, Karaganda region.
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