Ms. Aigul Kalimoldaeva followed the calling of her heart to embrace her profession. In 2002, she started work in production unit as a young professional. The first and only place of her work was Quality Control Department, Zhezkazgan copper smelting plant. She began her career as an inspection engineer of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products, then she became a senior inspection engineer. In 2007, Ms. Aigul Kalimoldaeva became a shifter and later – a lead engineer. The work encouraged her to acquire new knowledge and, certainly, pursue a university degree. She graduated from Baikonurov Zhezkazgan University with a degree in Metallurgy which delivered its benefits. A young, active and promising professional received attention through dedication and hard work. She managed to become one of the best in her job. After a little while, Ms. Aigul Kalimoldaeva was appointed Deputy Head of Quality Control Department, and subsequently she headed this particularly important department.
— Functional responsibilities of Quality Control Department include providing quality control of products and technological process operation. Employees also carry out all calculations of incoming raw materials, deal with production and shipment of finished products. Our team is friendly and united. It is a place where qualified professionals work who perform their duties with love.
Special mention should be made of Nurzhamal Seksenbaeva, Aktoty Aitmukhanova, Aizhan Meiramova, Marina Vyzov, Kenzhegul Takirova and Gauhar Bayazitova. During my first steps in production unit, my mentors and supervisors, who provided invaluable assistance to me as a young specialist, were: Zaure Abdrakhmanova, Alina Efimycheva, Zaure Tulegenova, Kialsha Scheneuova, Natalya Mikhalenko, Irina Kupper, Alma Baitenova and Gulshat Serikova. Owing to their advice, I was able to grasp the intricacies of my profession. In 2018, being a QCD specialist I was invited to Almaty to celebrate republican Quality Day.
My home is my castle. My family, my closest and dearest ones, are always there to support me anytime. I am a mother of two children and a grandmother of three grandchildren – Yerkenaz, Arailym and Madiyar. My son Nurbolat decided to follow the family of production engineers and now he works in Zhezkazgan copper smelting plant as a melter foreman. My daughter Aisulu has mastered business knowledge and is a private entrepreneur. My brother also works in production. He decided to follow mineworker’s path and was awarded III degree Kenshi Danky (Mineworker’s Glory) medal for many years of diligent and dedicated work. My daughter-in-law works in Zhezkazgan Concentrator and my sister works at copper smelting plant. You could say we have a small family dynasty,” our interviewee says half-jokingly.
— I like to spend all my free time with my family indulging them with delicious homemade pastries. Occasionally I date the creative muse, and at those moments, I write poems. My favourite poets are Mukagali Makatayev and Farida Ongarsynova; their legacies are most revered in Kazakh literature, their works are full of love for homeland showing true patriotism.
I love my job very much. Over 19 years, I have accumulated experience and learned to work in team. As the saying goes, one soldier does not make a battle, so one man cannot produce good work results. They are achieved through collaboration. On the eve of International Women’s Day and 50th anniversary of copper smelter, I sincerely congratulate everyone with these wonderful holidays, I wish all of you success in work and family well-being.
Svetlana Demeuova,
Picture by Viktor Shavnev