Commitment of Safety Strategy will help to reduce fatality to zero level
Achieving zero level of fatal accidents, reduction of injuries rate and quantity of occupational diseases to the level of best world companies in this field – such ambitious goal set for itself Kazakhmys Corporation LLC.
It is planned to achieve this goal in 2017 due to formation of efficient occupational health and safety management system at all levels of industrial production and employees’ training of safety culture. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to follow items of the Strategy of Kazakhmys Corporation LLC in the field of occupational health and safety.
This year comes to an end first three-year stage of realization of the Strategy. This stage provides consolidation of organizational, technical, finance, labor, informational ant other resources, programs and events, focused on accidents prevention, and also cardinal decrease of incidents of first and second category, i.e. inflicting larger damage.
Second stage for realization of which were allotted 2016 and 2017 years, provides consolidation and maintenance of achieved results, realization of programs and events of not prevention to fatalities, and also progressive decrease of incidents of third category.
The Category for itself is formed on six major principles.
Principle of responsibility indicates that people are the major value of the Corporation, who work for achievement of common goals. Their lives and health are the most important of production activity – they are in priority responsibility of the company.
Principle of zero tolerance to fatality induces make every possible effort for prevention of fatal cases related to production.Proactivity principle indicates that corporation aimed on accident protective services and prevention which can be harmful for human life and health.
Guided by the concern principle, Kazakhmys Corporation does not forget people with occupational diseases, injuries and other material or emotional damage due to operation of the company.
Principle of solidarity and concern on safety of close in proposes to form safety culture at employees and also responsible attitude to life and health of people who work nearby.And the principle of openness, transparence and availability implies supplying of objective information in the field of Occupational health and safety as to labor collective of the company so and to society.The second stage of the Strategy realization provides for carrying-out of comprehensive analysis of the achieved results and new priorities determination on every direction of the Strategy and also development of specific measures on their realization.Works on improvement of Occupational health and safety management system, local normative acts, appropriate methods and technologies will be continued; providing of comprehensive and systematic approach in organization of Occupational health and safety;
Development and implementation of all procedures on certification of employees and standardization of workplaces, hazards identification and risk management, isolation of energy supply of all types, conduct of behavioral audit and accident investigation are due to be completed at all enterprises.
A lot attention is paid to creation and maintenance on industrial sites and particularly on underground mines in constant preparedness of local warning systems of emergency, reliable systems of operational communication, control and prevention of self-propelled machineries collision and run on employees.
All structural subdivisions will be fully provided with necessary normative acts, operational and repair documentation, accident elimination plans and other specified documents in paper or electronic format, also translated on state language.Further development of educational system, harmonization of education programs with the requirements and objectives of enterprises, development of newly established study centers and also full implementation of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on training and knowledge assessment in the field of Occupational health and safety are provided. It is planned organization of education and training conduction on elimination of possible emergencies in production subdivisions with participation of all demandable personnel on a regular and planned basis
The necessity of implementation of safety culture elements to corporate culture – formation at line managers of low and middle tier of skills and qualities allowing to provide high level of management and organization of Occupational health and safety is pointed out. The formation of personnel motivation system for appropriate provision of Occupational health and safety will continue, as well as achievement of optimal balance of interests between employers and employees, corporation and society. Most employees are needed to be instilled by a sense of community and responsibility for life and health of comrades, working nearby, culture of safe work, corporate culture. The creation of communication system and informational support in all directions of Occupational health and safety activities will be completed and function will be provided on an appropriate level.
Besides that, it is planned the formation of unified register of persons with occupational diseases and industrial injuries for ten and more past years. On its basis will be performed root causes analysis of their origin and will be developed adequate response plan. Proper contemporary laboratories will be established for subdivisions and services carrying out required trials and technical inspection of the condition of equipment, machineries and mechanisms, buildings and constructions. It is necessary to find material-technical and financial resources and to proceed with conduction of necessary intensive and repair works of dangerous buildings and constructions according to medium-term plan.
The close cooperation with labor union organization of the corporation is also in the plan. It is suggested periodically joint introduction of amendments and additions to the Collective Employment Agreement for provision of additional preferences to distinguished and leading employees in query of Occupational health and safety. In the process of Strategy realization it is designated always to control warning indicators, which indirectly may influence on results of the conducted works. It is a number of employees who had completed education and training on safety, number of reclassified and certified employees, including employees capable to give first aid; upgrading of persons, working in hazardous areas, optimization of employees’ quantity, exposed to risks; presence of experienced employees, effectively conducting mentoring.
Also the role of Alarm bell can play the information due to condition of technological equipment, buildings and constructions, supply of the personnel with the personal and collective protective equipment; presence of shelters in mines, fire hazard index; electrical safety index and other indexes, adopted at enterprises.
It is necessary to monitor number of detected Occupational health and safety violations, instructions, issued on this subject, and degree of their elimination. Rate of works, executed by specialized and contracting organization is important, as well as health condition of employees, sickness statistics, number of employees attended medical examination, presence of feedback with personnel, anonymous or open questionnaire, number of complaints etc.
The creation of broadly integrated and effectively operational Management Service of Occupational health and safety of Kazakhmys Corporation is expected in the result of Strategy realization, compliant with international standards, and based on a principally new methods of formation of occupational safety corporate culture.
Formation of complex and system approach in solution of problems of industrial safety, personnel occupational safety and health protection on a base of consolidation of organizational, technical, financial, labor, informative and other resources; activation of operation of interested employees of all rates: managers, specialists and workers. Achievement of high level of work organization, when operation of upper executive management set standards in the matter of Occupational health and safety provision.
The upbringing at workers of all rate of safety culture, responsible attitude to observance of standard requirements and rules in this field, and also creation of effective personnel motivation system for the achievement of positive results in provision of Occupational health and safety, decrease of injury rates and occupational diseases. By the beginning of 2018 under commitment of Strategy provisions it is planned decrease of fatal accidents on 100 % in relation to 2012 year and total injury rate on 80 %.
Eventually, the successful realization of the Strategy allows significantly increase personnel safety culture, raise organization and management of Occupational health and safety on a contemporary level, significantly reduce level of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, achieve significant social and economic effect on every production site, raise prestige and image of Kazakhmys Corporation on an new qualitative level.